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The online legal resource for landlords

Student Letting: £40.00

Please note that this form is used to provide us with the information we require to produce your legal document. In itself, the text on this page does not constitute a legal document.

Section 1 - The Parties

The Landlord's Contact Address:
Full Name:

The Tenant(s):
Please insert the details of the tenants. If they are to have guarantors, please enter the appropriate details.

First Tenant:
Full Name:
First Tenant's Guarantor:
Full Name:

Second Tenant:
Full Name:
Second Tenant's Guarantor:
Full Name:

If there are futher tenants for the property, please list their details below:

The Tenant(s) agree to take the premises:

As Independent Tenants
Jointly and Severally

Section 2 - The Premises & Rent

Property Type: The House
The Flat
The Room
Other (please specify)
Address of Tenancy:
The Premises are: Furnished Unfurnished
Start Date:
End Date (leave blank if no fixed period):
Rent Amount: £ per
Deposit Amount:£
The Rent is payable in advance on: the of each month
the of each week.

If you have already decided which Tenancy Deposit Scheme you will use, please provide details:

Section 3 - The Tenant's and Guarantor's Obligations

Below are 40 of the most frequently used terms and conditions by which the tenant(s) must abide. To save you time, we have ticked all of them. If there are any which you do not wish to include, please untick the box next to them. Furthermore, you may wish to provide your own additional terms in the box at the bottom.

1. Rent, to pay the rent on the appointed day.
2. Deposit, to pay the deposit as requested for security for any loss or damage to the premises or contents, subject to the relevant Tenancy Deposit Scheme.
3. Interest, to pay interest upon any late payments at 2% above Bank of England base rate per day for any amounts that are more than seven days late, whether requested or not.
4. To pay any required Council Tax for the premises.
5. To pay all outgoings for the property, such as gas, electricity, waters, sewage, telephone, television license and any other service. Aerials, television and telephone points although they may be provided with the premises do not form part of the lease. The tenant(s) and landlord shall agree in writing any relevant meter readings at the start and end of the tenancy.
6. Not to change suppliers for any utilities without the prior written consent of the landlord.
7. Insurance, the house is insured by the landlords, but the tenant is liable for the first £, of any claim made which was the fault of the tenant, or their guests. The tenants are responsible for the insurance of their own contents.
8. Not to do or permit anything to be done which might make void or voidable the insurance of the landlord, or occasion an increase in the premium. Any increase in the premium due to the tenant(s) actions may be charged directly against them. The landlord will provide a copy of any relevant insurance policy.
9. To use the premises, solely as a private home, for the tenant(s) and family, giving to the landlord a complete list of all inhabitants of the property upon request. The tenant(s) must not sub-let or otherwise charge persons or guests to stay at the property.
10. Not to carry on any profession, trade or business on or from the premises.
11. Not to keep or do anything on the premises, which might cause a nuisance to either the landlord or any neighbours. The tenant(s) are responsible for their guests.
12. You must ensure that all rubbish is stored in suitable bins and that such bins are kept in a suitable place and made available for collection at appropriate times; that no dangerous items are left lying around the neighbourhood by you and/or any member of your household and/or any visitor to the dwelling.
13. You must park cars in the designated parking spaces (where these exist) and with due care and consideration to other road users and pedestrians.
14. Not to have any drugs, or other illegal items on the premises other than over the counter drugs and drugs prescribed by a medical practitioner.
15. You must not have in the dwelling any explosive or highly flammable materials or other dangerous substances, unless permitted by the landlord.
16. Not to keep pets at the premises, without the consent of the Landlord, and if the landlord gives consent the tenant will replace on leaving, or pay the cost of replacing, any floor covering soiled by the animal.
17. Repairs, to keep the premises in good repair, and to pay for the replacement value of any damage done, either to the property or contents, by yourself or anyone else living at or visiting the premises. Fair wear and tear excepted, and to do all minor repairs occasioned.
18. To keep all electrical and other apparatus in good working order.
19. Not to remove any fixtures or fittings without the prior written permission of the landlord, and to pay the replacement value of any fixtures or fittings, which may have been removed during the tenancy.
20. To report to the landlord any damage to the property or contents.
21. To prevent the furniture from being damaged or destroyed and to keep the furniture in a clean and sanitary condition and to pay to the landlord the value of all furniture, objects or household effects lost, damaged or destroyed, by yourself or anyone else living at or visiting the premises.
22. To inform the landlord of any periods over days, when the premises will be left empty. In winter, the tenant is responsible for turning off the main water supply and draining the heating and water storage.
23. Not to make any alterations to the property, without the prior written consent of the landlord.
24. To keep clear all drains, waste pipes and gutters servicing the property.
25. To keep the garden in a neat and tidy order and to trim any bushes and hedges.
26. To clean the windows inside and out at least once every 6 weeks.
27. To allow the landlord, or any duly authorized agent with the landlords permission, after giving at least 24 hours prior written notice, to enter and inspect the premises, for the purpose of inspection, repair and the taking of meter readings. (In cases of real emergency the requirement of notice need not be complied with.)
28. The tenant agrees to let the landlord, or tradesperson authorised by the landlord, to enter the property to service essential amenities, even if after reasonable attempts the landlord has been unable to get the tenants' consent.
29. If the landlord gives notice of any repairs, which are the tenant(s) obligation to undertake, they must do so forthwith. Should the tenant(s) not comply with such a notice the Landlord may return after a period of 10 days, and carry out the repairs himself, with the tenant being liable for any costs.
30. To allow the landlord to affix a re-letting sign to the premises, eight weeks prior to the termination of the tenancy, and allow the landlord or other persons with the landlords permission to view the premises at reasonable hours.
31. To give promptly to the landlord, a copy of any relevant notices or documents received concerning the premises.
32. Notice, the tenant(s) must give at least one months notice to the landlord, after any fixed term of the tenancy agreement has ended, either by recorded post to the landlords address, or in person.
33. Abandonment, if the tenant(s) abandon the property without telling the landlord, the landlord will enter the property, repair and clean if necessary and charge the tenant accordingly. The tenant agrees to pay all costs connected with finding their whereabouts and any court fees.
34. To pay to the landlord all charges, costs and expenses incurred by the landlord at any time during the tenancy arising as a result of a breach of any of the the terms of this agreement.
35. To leave the property at the end of the tenancy in good repair and condition, upon the date so appointed and yield up all keys to doors, windows and any other items, for which the landlord will provide the tenant with a receipt.
36. To pay for any cleaning costs and removal of rubbish that may be necessary after the tenancy has come to an end, in order for the landlord to re-let the premises.
37. Not to smoke, nor allow smoking, in the premises.
38. To provide a forwarding address and telephone number to the landlord at the end of the tenancy.
39. Smoke alarms. To test any smoke alarms regularly and to replace any batteries when necessary.
40. Left property. Should the tenant leave any items of property at the end of the tenancy, the landlord will serve notice in writing to the forwarding address provided by the tenant asking them to be removed within 14 days. Should the tenant either not remove the items or not provide a forwarding address, the landlord shall be entitled to sell or otherwise dispose of the items and the tenant shall be reponsible for any reasonable costs incurred.
Insert here any other conditions you wish to incorporate into the tenancy agreement:

Is there a list of Principal Fixtures and Fittings and Contents attached to this agreement, duly signed by both the tenant(s) and landlord? Yes No

If the property was occupied by the landlord as their only or principal home prior to commencement of the tenancy, the landlord can obtain possession of the property for themself or their spouse/civil partner should they require it to become either of their principal home again. To do this, he must serve a notice at the time of the start of the tenancy agreement which we can provide free of charge. Was this your only or principal home prior to the start of the tenancy? Yes No

If the property is subject to a mortgage and there is a default in the repayments, the mortgage company may become entitled to obtain vacant possession of the property. Often, mortgage companies require a notice to be served at the same time as the tenancy agreement which we can provide free of charge. Is this property subject to a mortgage? Yes No

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